Q: Do u knw y in a couple’s photo man is on d right side & woman on d left? A: Coz as per balance sheet,Liabilities r on d Left Side & Assets on d Right!
Category: Funny
Tom : How should I convey the news to my father that I’ve failed? David: You just send a telegram: Result declared, past year’s performance repeated.
TEACHER: Arshad, name one important thing we have today that we didn’t have ten years ago. Arshad: Me!
I wrote your name on sand, it got washed. I wrote your name in air, it was blown away. I wrote your name on my heart & i got Heart Attack.
The 1st Advice Of Father To His Son When Son Got His Driving License Made, Is “Remember 1 Thing Son If U’re Going To Hit Anything, Make Sure Its Cheap”
Girl: Is dress ki kia keemat hay.. Shopkeeper: 5 kiss Girl: Or us dress ki kia keemat hay Shopkeeper: 10 kiss Girl: ok dono dressess pack kardo is ka bill dadi dengi
Man 1: “I m Always Delighted When People Stick Their Noses In My Business.” Man 2: “Why, What Do You Do?” Man 1: “i’ve A Company, Make Tissue Papers …” ;->
What Happens When The Elephant Sat On The Mercedes Car … ??? . . . . Everyone Knows “The Mercedes bends” ;->