><(((:> I send you this fish as a sign of our FRIENDSHIP please take care of it, Keep it in your mobile. Daily put your mobile in water, So dat this fish wont die.
“FRIENDSHIP” is a sim, which has no activation charges. Free incoming and outgoing with roaming all over the world and it’s validity “NEVER ENDs”…
I have nothing to offer u in this world. Its only my.. . . . . LOVELY FRIENDSHIP .. . . Chalegi na ?
Words begin with ….A….B….C…. Number begin with….1….2….3…. Music begin with….SA….RE….GA…. BUT….? FRIENDSHIP begins with….’ ‘You&Me”
If 2 hearts r meant 2 b friends, No matter how long it takes, How far they go, How tough it seems, Fate will bring them together, 2 share FRIENDSHIP 4 EVER.
A line knows no end until u put a stop to it, let our FRIENDSHIP be that line & let make sure that it’ll go on & on for ever.
One day my brain asked me “Y R U SENDING MSGs to that person who is not messaging u? but my little “HEART” said to brain “U” NEED msgs but i need “FRIENDSHIP”
FRIENDSHIP is vast like UNIVERSE. Deep like OCEAN. High like SKY. Strong like IRON. Kind like MOTHER. & cute like ME.