Be the sky above you, blue Soft be the road below you, Affection be the breeze around you, I pray all the happiness surrounds you. Good Morning.
Category: Good Morning
Never Blame A Day In Your Life. Good Days Give You Happiness. Bad Days Give You Experience. Both Are Essential In Life. All Are Gods’ Blessings..Good Morning..
These r a few wonderful pairs in dis world, Heart n beats, Night n moon, Fish n water, Flowers n colours, My msgs n ur smiles. Good Morning
G-get up O-open ur eyes O-out of ur bed D-day has risen M-merry life O-old dreams cum true R-rise$shine N-new frnds I-ideas of life N-nice future G-GOODDAY 4 U!
All mornings are like Paintings:- U need a little inspiration to get going, a little smile to brighten up & An SMS from someone who cares to color ur day… (*) Good Morning (*)
Last night I sent an angel 2 watch over u while u were sleeping but it came back early! So I asked it why? It said that angels don’t watch over other angels! Good Morning
Each Moment in a day, has its own value-Morning brings hope, afternoon brings faith, Evening brings luv, Night brings rest, Wish u find them all today. Good Morning
Morning is God’s way of saying 1 more time… Go, live life, make a difference, touch one’s heart, encourage 1’s mind inspire 1’s soul & enjoy the day