Message Wild

Cute text messages to send to people

Category: Funny

Total 147 Posts

The universe is Finite…

Astronomers say “The universe is Finite…” Which is a comforting Thought For those people , Who cannot remember Where they leave Things

The subscriber cannot be reached

If you need advice, text me… If you need a friend, call me… If you need me, come to me… But If you need money. . . . . . . . . THE SUBSCRIBER CANNOT BE REACHED!

We were using duplicate key

Man:Doctor ! My Son has swallowed a key. Doctor: When ? Man:Three Months Ago Doctor: What were you doing till now? Man: We were using duplicate key

7 Angels came 2 Me

7 Angels came 2 Me & asked 4 the most Inteligent, Smart, Nice, Sweet, Noble and Well Groomed Person. So I gave Them Your Address . . . . .. Dekha kesa Ullu banaya Un ko!:D